The Union of Audiovisual Authors and Producers

Cooperating organizations
The Union of Audiovisual Authors and Producers (ZAPA) cooperates with the most important authors' associations and with organizations for collective management of copyrights. The cooperation consists in signing mutual agreements to facilitate collecting and distribution of royalties and to pursue common policy with the aim to strengthen the status of creators and to take care of their rights to be respected
Here we present a list of Polish organizations cooperating with ZAPA.
ZAPA is a member of international organizations dedicated to copyright protection. ZAPA collaborate with international organizations of collective management. Based on 73 international contracts with foreign partner organizations, ZAPA ensured the administration of rights of foreign artists on par with the administration of rights of domestic artists. Further, it ensured the rights of domestic audiovisual authors in all countries of the world where regulations on authors’ rights are adhered to according to the standards of the international organization CISAC.
- CISAC – International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers represents more than 4 million authors from all areas of art (music, drama, literature, audio-visual, graphic and visual arts). IN 2020 CISAC's membership extends to 232 authors' societies in 120 countries. ZAPA has been a member since 1999. Members of ZAPA´s management continuously monitor the development on a European as well as international level attending important meetings and participating in trainings and seminars organized by CISAC. This way ZAPA gains experience from an international practice and overview of the international development. Another merit is that domestic copyright holders represented by ZAPA are assured that their copyrights will be taken care of, protected and enforced in the partner organizations’ countries.
- SAA - The Society of Audiovisual Authors (SAA) represents the interest of collective management organisations (CMOs) and their audiovisual authors’ members in Europe. Through 33 members from 25 European countries, the SAA represents over 140,000 film and television European screenwriters and directors. ZAPA has been a member since 2010. ZAPA’s Managing Director Dominik Skoczek is a mamber of SAA’s Board of Directors:
SAA supports audiovisual authors and promote cultural diversity through policies that enable the dissemination of audiovisual authors’ works to the audience. CMOs’ role is to give easy, legal access to those works and ensure authors are fairly paid to encourage further creativity for the benefit of society. The SAA’s main objectives are the following:
- Support and strengthen the economic and moral rights of audiovisual authors (screenwriters and directors);
- Secure fair and proportional remuneration for audiovisual authors for every use of their works;
- Develop, promote and advance the collective management of rights by member organisations to provide a cost effective, transparent and efficient system to facilitate the dissemination of audiovisual works and the distribution of royalties to authors.
- AGICOA - Association de Gestion Intemationale Collective des Oeuvres Audiovisuelles. AGICOA is not a conventional agent or collecting society. It is a unique, international, not-for-profit organization established almost forty years ago to track and distribute royalties essentially on retransmission of the products of independent producers. AGICOA represents clients worldwide. It mainly operates under the terms of audiovisual copyright law established by the Berne Convention and the provisions of the Cable and Satellite Directive. AGICOA’s By-Laws clearly specify the purpose, mandates and activities. Since 2000, AGICOA has put into distribution over two billion euros of royalty payments on a portfolio of more than a million audiovisual products. AGICOA is directed by and is accountable to an international administrative board that includes rightsholder representatives as well as individuals with a range of professional skills and experience relevant to our activities. This form of governance offers two important advantages: the organization is truly "neutral" - it operates without any national bias - and all rightsholders are treated equally, regardless of their commercial weight and importance. AGICOA’s international operations are facilitated through the AGICOA Alliance, a network of associates in key media markets. Through them, rightsholders access the advantages of local language, market insight and negotiating skills. ZAPA has been a member since 2002.
- EUROCOPYA - The European Association of Audiovisual & Film Producers' private copy collective management societies. European Audiovisual & Film producers are remunerated through exclusive rights and - more marginally - through collectively collected remuneration rights (including private copy levies). EUROCOPYA expresses the view of the various European audiovisual & film producers whose private copy rights are administered by their respective national collecting societies, members of the association. ZAPA has been a member since 2009. EUROCOPYA notably represents the interests of audiovisual producers in Europe. EUROCOPYA's other mission is to promote the conclusion of bilateral reciprocal agreements, in order to ensure, at a lower cost, the recovery of private copy revenues generated by the distribution of members' repertoires outside their national territory.
As a member of these international organizations, ZAPA participates in the development of the international collective copyright protection system.
- AGADU (Uruguay)
- AIPA (Slovenia)
- AKKA / LAA (Latvia)
- ALBAUTOR (Albania)
- ALCS (United Kingdom)
- ANICA (Italy)
- ARGENTORES (Argentina)
- ARMA-UKRAINE (Ukraine)
- ASDACS (Australia)
- ATHINA (Greece)
- AWGACS (Australia)
- AVAKA (Lithuania)
- BILD-KUNST (Germany)
- CBS INTERNATIONAL TELEVISION, a division of CBS International (Netherlands) B.V. (Netherlands)
- CINEMA (Ukraine)
- COPYDAN (Denmark)
- CSCS (Canada)
- DAC (Argentina)
- DACIN SARA (Romania)
- DAMA (Spain)
- DASC (Columbia)
- DGA - The Directors Guild of America (USA)
- DGJ - The Directors Guild of Japan (Japan)
- DGK (South Korea)
- DHFR (Croatia)
- DILIA (Czech Republic)
- DIRECTORS U.K. (United Kingdom)
- DRCC (Canada)
- EAU (Estonia)
- EGEDA (Spain)
- FILMAUTOR (Bulgaria)
- FILMJUS (Hungary)
- FINTAGE (Netherlands)
- FMAA (Albania)
- FRF-VIDEO (Sweden)
- GCA (Georgia)
- GWFF (Germany)
- ISOCRATIS (Greece)
- JWG - The Japan Writers Guild (Japan)
- KOPIOSTO (Finland)
- LATGA-A (Lithuania)
- LIRA (Netherlands)
- LITA (Slovakia)
- MEDIA IP RIGHTS (United Kingdom)
- OAZA (Czech Republic)
- OOA-S (Czech Republic)
- PROCIREP (France)
- REDES (Columbia)
- SABAM (Belgium)
- SACD (France)
- SCAM (France)
- SEKAM VIDEO (Netherlands)
- SGAE (Spain)
- SIAE (Italy)
- SPA (Portugal)
- SSA (Switzerland)
- SUISSIMAGE (Switzerland)
- SWISSPERFORM (Switzerland)
- VDFS (Austria)
- VEVAM (Netherlands)
- VG WORT (Germany)
- WGA - The Writers Guild of America, West, Inc. (USA)
- WGJ - The Writers Guild of Japan (Japan)
- 560 Media Rights Limited (United Kingdom)
If you have additional questions,
please feel welcome to contact the SFP-ZAPA office at: